DBA Cases

Monday, November 12, 2007

Change Is Indeed Good

You may have noitced EastLake's blog has changed. I felt it was high time for an update and upgrade. As you can see there is much more information about EastLake Marketing Group. Also, information about EastLake's Promotional Products. Most of you have said you didn't even know EastLake sold promotional products. I have added links to all the product catalogs. So feel free to browse through them. When you're ready to make a purchase, just contact me.

Speaking of contacting me, I've listed my e-mail and both phone numbers, it's much easier now. I have an RSS Feed now. Go ahead and join, then you can get my post as soon as I write them. You can leave comments regarding my posts. Well that's it about the new blog, I hope you enjoy the new and improved EastLake blog. Feel free to contact me anytime.

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